Solving Data Duplication: How JNF leveraged Accelevents’ Salesforce Integration

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Jewish National Fund
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Events: JNF's Catalyst for Engagement and Philanthropy

Established over a century ago, the Jewish National Fund (JNF) has a broad mission that includes promoting Jewish education and engagement, building medical centers, funding agricultural and culinary research, and various other impactful projects. The organization is widely regarded as a cornerstone of global Jewish philanthropy. 

Central to amplifying its influence are meticulously organized events - ranging from small community gatherings to large-scale conferences - that serve as critical fundraising platforms and vital tools for engagement and education.

500+ Events a Year: JNF's Diverse Event Strategy

JNF runs a vibrant calendar of more than 700 events yearly, spanning intimate breakfast meet-ups to the standout annual conference. This flagship event is critical for fundraising, networking, and sharing JNF's vision for Israel's future.

Navigating the logistics for such a varied event portfolio requires precise data handling, effective engagement strategies, and meticulous financial oversight to guarantee event success.

JNF's Event Management Challenges

Despite JNF's extensive experience and commitment to excellence, managing the sheer volume and variety of events presents significant challenges, particularly in terms of data management and operational efficiency. 

The organization's prior Salesforce-native platform was ill-equipped to handle the complexities of modern event management, leading to issues such as:

  • Data Duplication: Inefficient data handling led to numerous duplicate records, which significantly impacted attendee management.
  • Insufficient Support: The lack of robust customer support from the platform provider meant JNF had to rely on external consultants, increasing operational costs and response times.
  • Limited Customization: The platform's restricted customization options hindered JNF's ability to tailor event experiences to their diverse audiences.

Accelevents: Modern Event Tech With A Deep Salesforce Integration

Recognizing the need for a more sophisticated event management solution, JNF partnered with Accelevents, a decision that marked the beginning of a significant transformation in how JNF approached event management. 

At the core of the new partnership lies the seamless integration with Salesforce, a pivotal component Accelevents addressed across three distinct fronts:

  • Custom Objects: Accelevent's integration with over six custom Salesforce objects allowed for unprecedented customization and efficiency, enabling JNF to tailor the platform to their specific operational needs.
  • Enhanced Contact Matching: Utilizing advanced algorithms and fuzzy logic, Accelevents addressed the critical issue of data duplication, ensuring clean, organized attendee records.
  • Batch Processing for Transactional Data: A batch processing system was implemented for the daily reconciliation of event data, offering JNF a detailed financial overview of each event's performance.

Better Data, Better Events: Impact of the JNF-Accelevents Partnership

“We've seen a significant efficiency improvement since implementing Accelevents. By cutting down on data duplication, we've slashed our weekly requests for event configuration changes from 50 down to just 10-12. It's been a real time saver for our development team.” Daryl Last, Front End Developer, JNF

The collaboration between JNF and Accelevents has led to remarkable improvements in JNF's operational efficiency, data integrity, and financial transparency. Notably, the partnership has enabled JNF to:

  • Enhance Attendee Engagement: By eliminating data duplication and enabling personalized communication, JNF has significantly improved the attendee experience across all events.
  • Streamline Operations: The deep Salesforce integration and customized features have streamlined event management processes, allowing JNF to save time and resources.
  • Gain Financial Insights: The implementation of batch processing for transactional data has provided JNF with actionable financial insights, enhancing decision-making and strategic planning for future events.

In Focus: Accelevents' Enhanced Contact Matching

Accelevents' Enhanced Contact Matching feature is designed to address the pervasive issue of duplicate event registration records in Salesforce. 

Here's a brief exploration of how Enhanced Contact Matching works and its benefits:

  • Smart Data Analysis: Enhanced Contact Matching leverages intelligent algorithms to analyze basic attendee data, such as names and email addresses. By applying three matching criteria, this feature evaluates the likelihood of two records referring to the same individual, effectively identifying potential duplicates.
  • Fuzzy First Name Logic: Unlike conventional matching techniques that rely solely on exact matches, Enhanced Contact Matching incorporates fuzzy logic for basic fields such as first names. This advanced approach considers variations, misspellings, and common errors in first names, recognizing that "Robert Brown," "Bob Brown," and "Robbie Brown" may all refer to the same attendee.
  • Secondary Data Analysis: In cases where basic contact fields do not meet the matching criteria, Enhanced Contact Matching conducts a secondary analysis. This involves examining additional data points such as secondary email addresses, mobile numbers, or street addresses associated with the attendee. 

To learn more about eliminating duplicate records from your Accelevents - Salesforce integration, visit our blog post about Accelevents Enhanced Contact Matching.

A Partnership That Redefines Event Management For Nonprofits

Accelevents has been a wonderful team to work with. You're always willing to test the waters with something new and you've just been so helpful and kind and just wanting to get your hands dirty with us. So it's really been very refreshing and nice to work with you all.

Daryl Last, Front End Developer, JNF

The strategic partnership between JNF and Accelevents exemplifies the transformative power of technology in enhancing the impact of philanthropic endeavors. Through innovative solutions and a deep technological integration, JNF has overcome significant operational challenges and set new standards for efficiency, engagement, and transparency in philanthropic event management. 

Visit our integration hub to learn more about our integration ecosystem, or contact us to chat about your event integration strategy. We look forward to discussing your event needs! 

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