visual of computer displaying an online event registration software form to illustrate the benefits of online event registration software for any type of event - onsite or hybris

The 6 Benefits of Online Event Registration Software

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Are you tired of the hassle and inefficiency of manually registering guests on paper forms and selling physical tickets at various locations? Switching to online event registration and ticketing can provide a more effective and less time-consuming solution.

With online registration, you can easily sell tickets and gather guest information automatically at any time, streamlining your event management process.

In this blog post, we will explore the numerous benefits of using online registration for your in-person and hybrid events.

A Better Event Experience

Here are three ways an online registration process improves the experience for your guests:

1. Effortless Registration and Payment Processing

Allow guests to RSVP online, view pricing information, purchase tickets, and receive order confirmation emails from anywhere, at any time.

To maximize convenience, offer online payment methods on your registration website. Invoicing options may also be beneficial, particularly if you are aiming for group registrations.

2. Reduced Check-In Time at In-Person Events

Waiting in a check-in queue is a hassle! By capturing registration information beforehand, guests can simply scan their QR code for a quick and efficient check-in process.  

3. Self-Serve Event Technology

Guests often prefer to manage their registration and event check-in via an online account or mobile app. Have them choose their own seats, make changes to their tickets, and access all their event information in one place - ideally via app and web!

computer screen displaying event analytics such as event page visits, registrations, event and session attendance, networking on the event app, and other metrics that are crucial to efficient attendee management

Enhanced Data Collection

An online event registration system gathers accurate registration data from guests using customizable registration forms. Conditional logic and custom fields tailor the registration experience, ensuring you collect all relevant event information and metrics.

Event organizers can leverage the captured registration and attendee data to pinpoint the most effective advertising and promotional channels and to select the best vendors and entertainment for their events.

Hot Tip: Make sure your event management platform integrates seamlessly with your CRM. This allows your registration and attendee engagement data to flow in real time across all your business systems, ensuring cohesive and efficient data management.

event organizer working on an email template she is customizing with a drag-and-drop email builder for an email marketing and social media campaign promoting her next non-profit webinar

Targeted Email Marketing Campaigns

Use information collected during online event registration, such as job function and personal or professional interests, to create targeted marketing strategies.

• Before the event, send personalized emails to promote the event and suggest sessions that align with your guests' interests.

• After the event, consider sending a summary of popular keynotes or sessions and thank your guests for their support.

• Continue to communicate with your guests about future events or initiatives that align with their interests in the weeks and months following the event.

Better Cash Flow

Having event registration tools can help you significantly boost revenue:

Quick Revenue Generation: By spinning up an event website or registration page to sell tickets online, you start generating revenue quickly - with a minimal efforts!

24/7 Ticket Sales: With online ticket sales available round the clock, you can sell tickets even while you sleep!

Better Planning: Your event registration platform will include detailed reports on ticket and registration numbers - this data will allow you to better plan for venue, food, and entertainment expenses.

Upsell Opportunities: Increase sales by offering add-ons such as experiences, courses, or merchandise online.

Built-In FOMO

By offering an early-bird ticket type or special perks for early registrants, you can create a sense of exclusivity and FOMO among your audience.

As your initial supporters buy their tickets and promote the event, this will create a viral effect that drives more sales. Get your audience to commit early and watch the excitement for your event grow!

Hot Tip: To encourage new registrants to share and promote your onsite or virtual event, consider using a word-of-mouth marketing platform like Snöball. The Snöball platform offers powerful event marketing tools to help spread the word about your event.

Accelevents' event marketing tools and registration workflows seamlessly integrate with Snöball’s functionality to automate your promotional efforts and maximize reach.

Improved Security

With an online registration solution, attendees do not need to physically give their personal or financial information to anyone else, reducing the risk of fraud or identity theft.

Additionally, attendee information is typically stored on secure servers with multiple layers of protection, making it more difficult for unauthorized individuals to access it.

man viewing a list of events on the Accelevents event management platform, a leading event technology platform that competes with the likes of Cvent, Whova, and Eventbrite and is suitable for paid and free events of any size

Online Event Registration: A Smart Choice for Event Planners

Switching to an online event registration form can greatly improve the user experience. The best event registration platforms streamline the entire event process for both you and your guests.

If you're interested in learning more about event management software and registration workflows in particular, we've prepared a detailed guide to help you set up your online registration process.

Alternatively, contact us for a free consultation. We're more than happy to walk you through our powerful, user-friendly registration functionality.

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