woman looking at attendee data in the registration report of her hybrid events and in-person events

7 Crucial Event Registration Features Of Top Event Management Platforms

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From the bustling corridors of in-person trade shows to the digital space of virtual webinars, event planners know that a successful event begins with a seamless registration experience.

But with many providers, from Accelevents, Bizzabo, and Cvent, to Eventbrite, Vfairs and Whova, how do you choose the best event registration software to match your needs? This post reviews the key features that drive event success.

Before we begin, here's a caveat: while robust registration features are important, they should be paired with top-notch customer support. Whether you're running an onsite or a hybrid event, rapid response times and 24/7 support are key!

event professional setting up an email marketing campaign promoting an early bird ticket price

1. A Drag-And-Drop Event Website Builder

First impressions count! When attendees stumble upon your event registration page, the user experience, aesthetics, and functionality can significantly impact their decision to register.

Look for a platform that offers an event page builder with customizable templates to quickly build a professional, robust registration website that effectively reflects your brand and event theme.

For example, Accelevents offers a user-friendly drag-and-drop event website builder worth exploring!

2. Intuitive Event Marketing Tools

Attendees what to be in the know, whether you're hosting a conference, seminar, webinar, fundraiser, or any other type of event!

Look for an event registration platform with robust and user-friendly email marketing tools, so you can send personalized invites, event reminders, order confirmations, and even abandoned cart emails.

Additionally, if you're hosting an onsite trade show or conference, your platform should include a user-friendly mobile event app. An app is a great way to send event attendees timely updates and promotional content using push notifications.

3. Flexible Registration and Ticketing Workflows

Picture this - a prospective attendee lands on your beautifully crafted event website, but the registration process is so convoluted that they abandon their cart. Disappointing, right?

To prevent such a scenario, opt for an online event registration system that combines intuitive navigation with a range of helpful features. Look for a system that allows you to:

  • Use an event page builder to construct a visually appealing event site with an integrated event registration form.
  • Customize event page templates with your logo, fonts, and color scheme.
  • Seamlessly embed a registration widget on any website.
  • Incorporate custom fields to gather additional information.
  • Segment registrants based on conditional questions.
  • Offer a range of ticket types with different pricing options, such as early bird, VIP, and student tickets.
  • Sell additional items such as merchandise or bundled event experiences.
  • Provide secure online payment processing via multiple payment gateways (Stripe, Square, PayPal).
  • Streamline payment collection by sending invoices with multiple payment options.
  • Automatically send confirmation emails and reminders.

4. Easy Attendee Data Management

Collecting attendee information before, during, and after your onsite or virtual event is crucial for making data-driven decisions.

Start by selecting an event ticketing and registration platform equipped with robust analytics and reporting tools. Look for a user-friendly dashboard that tracks real-time metrics such as registrations, ticket sales, and attendance.

Next, ensure your event platform integrates seamlessly with your business systems to streamline data collection throughout the registration process. The more data you collect, the easier it'll be to craft targeted marketing campaigns and improve post-event follow-up tactics and messaging.

We'll explore the specific integration methods to look for later in this blog post!

5. Integrated Badge Design and Printing

To enhance the in-person event experience, opt for an event registration platform equipped with a badge designer, such as Accelevents. With this tool, you can easily craft and print polished, branded badges for attendees, speakers, exhibitors, and sponsors - right from your office (or couch, no judgment here).

Create badges in diverse formats, incorporating attendee information collected during registration, company logos, and QR codes for effortless scanning.

Once you're satisfied with your design, you have the flexibility to either pre-print badges or print them onsite on event day.

6. Multiple Event Check-In Options

Nobody likes long queues; it’s a bad attendee experience and it reflects poorly on your event. So be sure to expedite the check-in process by offering assisted event check-in and self-check-in options.

At Accelevents, we find that self-serve kiosks significantly accelerate check-in. Attendees can scan the QR codes on their mobile app, print their badge themselves, and voila, they're ready to dive into the event experience!

woman setting up payment gateway integrations to ensure secure payments on the registration page of her virtual event

7. Integrations With All Your Business Systems

As discussed, event data should flow freely within your tech stack. So look for an event registration platform that easily integrates with your marketing automation platform or CRM.

Accelevents for example offers:

Your software platform should also include social media integrations, enabling both event organizers and attendees to easily share the event website on their preferred social media platforms. This is a great way to generate extra buzz!

Elevate Your Event Registration Experience

As we have seen, having the right event registration tools is no longer a luxury but a necessity. Whether you're a veteran or new to event planning, event technology like Accelevents can take your event game up several notches!

Interested in learning more? Book a demo to explore how our powerful event management software can streamline registration workflows and maximize attendee engagement.

We’d love to help with your future events!

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