Exhausted from hosting a successful event? Having to collect post-event feedback can feel overwhelming when you’re already tired. But worry not, AI is here to help event planners like you.
In this blog post, discover how Ai can generate comprehensive post-event surveys and craft personalized follow-up emails quickly and efficiently!
We’ve also prepared customizable ChatGPT prompts for you to generate email copy and survey questions tailored to your event.

1. Prepare Post-Event Survey Questions
The Old Way: Struggle to find the right questions to ask. Scour the internet or old files to find an online survey template with enough event questions to get inspired. Create a mediocre event feedback survey resulting in low response rates and almost zero takeaways.
The New Way: Use post-event survey prompts quickly create a large quantity of survey questions. Select the best questions to gauge attendee satisfaction. Use a an event platform such as Accelevents with a built-in survey tool to collect negative and positive feedback from respondents. Responses will be stored as part of your attendee record, along with net promoter scores (nps) and other CX metrics.
ChatGPT Prompt:
Ask ChatGPT to prepare follow-up questions on the overall experience as well as specific aspects of the event. Instruct the tool to include multiple types of questions such as yes/no questions, multiple-choice questions, scale questions and open-ended questions. This keeps the questionnaire interesting and will get you more survey responses than ever before:
Generate a comprehensive and well-structured post-event survey to send to your event attendees. Here is some information about the event:
Event Name: [event name]
Event Date: [event date]
Type of Event: [webinar, conference, internal corporate event, trade show]
Event Format: [virtual event, hybrid event, in-person event]
Event Location: [city, State, building]
Speakers/Sessions To Rate: [speaker, session title]
Target Audience: [industry, audience demographics]
Reason The Target Audience Attended: [benefits of attending]
Writing Style: [desired writing style]
The survey should include questions about:
- the attendees’ overall satisfaction with the event
- the quality of the sessions and speakers
- the networking opportunities
- the event organization
The survey should also include open-ended questions to collect feedback and suggestions for future events.
Consider using a mix of multiple-choice, rating scale, and open-ended questions to collect both quantitative and qualitative data.
Helpful Tip:
Use this post-event survey prompt as a starting point. Tweak it to:
- create pre-event surveys
- collect feedback around specific functionality (event app, virtual breakout rooms)
- gather feedback about parts of the event (in-person component vs virtual event experience)
You can also fashion separate surveys prompts to quickly collect constructive feedback not just from your attendees, but from your speakers, sponsors, and exhibitors!
See ChatGPT in action:

The Response:
Post-Event Survey: Body & Brain Blitz: The Ultimate MindFlex Experience
Thank you for attending the Body & Brain Blitz: The Ultimate MindFlex Experience. We hope you had a great time! We appreciate your help in completing this survey. Your feedback will help us improve future events.
- Overall, how satisfied were you with the event? (Very dissatisfied, Somewhat dissatisfied, Neutral, Somewhat satisfied, Very satisfied)
- What was your main reason for attending the event? (To build community, To learn how to get MindFlex certified, To increase understanding of MindFlex systems, Other - please specify)
- How relevant and helpful do you think the event was for achieving your objectives? (Not at all, Slightly, Moderately, Very, Extremely)
- Rate the keynote speech 'Unlocking Inner Calm: The Power of Mindfulness in Stress Reduction' by Dr. Rebecca Davis. (Poor, Fair, Good, Very Good, Excellent)
- Was there a particular session that stood out for you? If so, which one and why? (Open-ended)
- How would you rate the networking opportunities at the event? (Poor, Fair, Good, Very Good, Excellent)
- Were you able to connect with other fitness professionals as you had hoped? (Yes, Somewhat, No)
- How would you rate the organization of the event (registration process, communication, venue)? (Poor, Fair, Good, Very Good, Excellent)
- Did you face any challenges or difficulties during the event? If so, what were they? (Open-ended)
- What did you like the most about the event? (Open-ended)
- What improvements would you suggest for our future events? (Open-ended)
- Would you recommend our events to other fitness professionals? (Definitely not, Probably not, Might or might not, Probably will, Definitely will)
- Is there anything else you would like to share about your experience at the event? (Open-ended)
Thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey. We appreciate your feedback and look forward to seeing you at future MindFlex events.

2. Generate Follow-Up Emails
A post-event thank you email is a great way to show your appreciation to attendees, speakers, sponsors, and other stakeholders who contributed to the success of your event.
You can to attach your survey to your thank you email or send it in a separate email using a survey tool.
Here is a handy ChatGPT prompt to help you craft a heartfelt thank you email to your attendees:
ChatGPT Prompt:
Generate a personalized and heartfelt post-event thank you email for a [event type] organized by [event organizer/brand], titled [event title] and focused on [event topic].
The event was held in [event location] on [event date] and attracted [number of attendees] attendees from the [industry/field].
The email should include a personalized greeting, a recap of the event, appreciation and gratitude for the recipient’s participation and support, photos or videos from the event, an invitation to provide feedback and suggestions, and information about next steps or follow-up actions.
The tone of the email should be warm, friendly, and appreciative. The author is [name, job title, company].
See ChatGPT in action:
We are going to thank event attendees for coming to an in-person event organized by fictitious company Mindflex System in Miami, Florida and ask for them for feedback on the attendee experience:

The Response:
Subject: A Heartfelt Thanks From MindFlex Systems - Body & Brain Blitz
Dear [Recipient's Name],
I hope this email finds you well. This is Barb Wire, the Event Director at MindFlex Systems, and I wanted to personally extend my deepest gratitude for your attendance at our recent Body & Brain Blitz: The Ultimate MindFlex Experience, held in Miami on September 29th.
The event was an extraordinary success, bringing together 5000 professionals from the fitness industry. Thanks to your participation and enthusiasm, we shared a day filled with insightful conversations, powerful connections, and an incredible exploration of mind-body health.
We hope that you found our sessions enriching, especially the keynote by Dr. Rebecca Davis on "Unlocking Inner Calm: The Power of Mindfulness in Stress Reduction." We also trust that you enjoyed the networking opportunities and are now a step closer to becoming a MindFlex certified professional, fostering a healthier community around you.
Please enjoy these [photos/videos] from the event. We hope they serve as a vibrant reminder of our shared commitment to promoting healthy bodies and minds.
In our constant quest for improvement, we kindly ask you to provide your valuable feedback and suggestions. Please find attached a link to a short survey that should take no more than a few minutes to complete. Your insights will guide us as we plan future events.
[Survey link]
MindFlex Systems continues to be dedicated to providing you with opportunities to learn, grow, and connect. Please keep an eye on your inbox for more information about our upcoming events and the next steps in your MindFlex journey.
Your participation was truly integral to the success of the Body & Brain Blitz. Once again, we express our heartfelt thanks. We are excited about what the future holds and look forward to welcoming you to our next event.
Warm Regards,
Barb Wire Event Director MindFlex Systems
Helpful Hint: Craft a similar email to event sponsors, exhibitors, and presenters to thank them for their participation by tweaking the prompt provided. You may want to take this opportunity to introduce next year’s event so they can mark their calendars!

AI Is Your Time-Saving Companion
As we've explored, incorporating AI into your post-event management and event marketing process brings incredible advantages, allowing you to streamline workflows and gather feedback from all stakeholders.
With these insights in hand, you can enhance attendee engagement, fine-tune event content, and optimize your marketing strategies for future event success. So, why not embrace AI as your trusted companion on your event planning journey?